Protect Me My Witness

Your family could be in danger every day, from being kidnapped on the street to being assaulted. Even when people are in public, like at school, on the playground, or walking to and from the bus stop. When Sandra Jacks was an adult, she was kidnapped by a serial killer in a public convenience store. This traumatic event changed Sandra’s life, and while she is safe now, she understands how quickly someone can get hurt, even in places they would otherwise feel secure.

Enter Protect Me My Witness, a lifesaving invention that can be used by children and adults. It’s a line of outerwear products that offer complete video surveillance, including a frontal view of what the wearer is seeing, location tracking, and monitoring.

Stay Safe Even When You Are All By Yourself!

Protect Me My Witness is a line of backpacks, jackets, and vests in different sizes, from a small child to larger adults. It features two video cameras on the front, near pocket areas, and two cameras on the back, which can help track the wearer. When the main zipper of Protect Me My Witness is partially or fully closed, the cameras automatically start running, capturing any potential criminal activity or threats in a 360-degree radius of the wearer, including the face of a perpetrator.

•    Automatically activate the cameras when the zipper is pulled
•    Capture all criminal activity as you turn your body
•    Scan for threats, including the face of any person who means you harm
•    The Screaming Mimi zipper pull is a GPS device that tracks your whereabouts
•    The security hub can be monitored by police and your loved ones as they track you

The cameras communicate with a wireless security hub that can be remotely accessed and monitored by the police or the wearer’s loved ones. And, the zipper pull is actually a “screaming Mimi” GPS tracker, which can help easily locate the wearer.

The Story Behind Protect Me My Witness

In an emergency, every second counts, especially if someone is abducted. Inventors Sandra and Victor Jacks, of Shreveport, LA, know this all too well. They knew that there had to be a better way to keep innocent people safe, and so they developed this new line of outerwear and accessories for women, men, and children with electronic personal security features.